Tomáš Meravý Murárik
About me
My name is Tomáš Meravý Murárik and I'm currently studying Computer Science at FIIT STU
- GitHub:tomasswaier
- Instagram:tomas_meravy_m
- LeetCode:tomasswaier
C:Beginner. Don't have a lot of experience aside from uni classes and few personal projects.
Python:Begginer+. As can be seen from my github account I really like python but I'm not very confident in my skills because of lack of real life experience
Html/Css:I know some basic syntax
Linux:I've been using linux (Ubuntu and recently switched to Arch btw) for about half a year and I have to say I'm very comfortable
Responsive Web Design
note:I do not belive this certificate is worth much but if someone has it then you can asssume that they have basic understanding of html and some knowledge of css. I really didn't like their style of projects for this one. Projects not required for certificate were actually fine but the ones that are required were really easy and not that rewarding experience wise in my opinion.
Scientific Computing with Python
note:I enjoyed this one. Projects were comparably as hard as uni coding-intro class homework but It's too bad that they didn't give bigger projects. Most projects I had to do were max 70 lines of code I think.
Data Analysis with Python
note: Really not enjoyable course. Final projects were fine but this course took the approach of video learning and I think it failed miserably. My main two issues with them are poor explenation and lack of information . The person "teaching" this course is looking at the documentation half the time and sometimes even gets lost in what he's explaining. The lack of information is also big part in why I felt this course was so unenjoyable . The person explaining does go trough most basic syntax and concepts but not the one's we were supposed to use on the projects hence making you do all the learning yourself.